In most of the books, there is only one correct path, but over two dozen ways to die.
There are over 35 books being developed for the series which should be released by 2026.
“…aims at an audience of older readers nostalgic for the interactive storylines of their youth, and it has enough action and decision-making to fit that bill admirably.” - IndieReader

About Anthony
Anthony Szpak started stand-up comedy at sixteen, toured the country and performed on Comedy Central. He has sold television pilots to Castlerock, FX, and 20th Century Fox. He is currently an educator in Colorado and working on his next novel.

About Dawna
Dawna Gonzales is a jiu jitsu, self defense and women’s empowerment coach based out of San Diego Ca. Her mission is to empower women to feel stronger safer and empowered in all aspects of their lives. When she’s not teaching, she enjoys beach days with her dogs, foodie dates with her husband, podcasting and co-authoring Try Not to Die books with her friend Mark. Follow her on all social media @dawnagonzales10p

About John
John Palisano is a Bram Stoker Award© winning author who served as the Horror Writers Association president. John has four novels of his own plus a few collections and numerous short stories. In addition to Try Not to Die: In the Pandemic, he also coauthored Try Not to Die: In the Wild West and has a short story called Try Not to Die: In a Hell Hole both scheduled for 2023 release.

About Sage
Sage is a licensed Acupuncturist, Tattoo Artist, Writer, Illustrator and Dungeon Master that lives in Portland Oregon. He taught for years with Tom Spanbauer’s Dangerous Writers, and has lived a life of high adventure. His work in an integrative pain management clinic, as well as his love of Chinese Medicine, Tattoos, and Table-Top Role-Playing Games, and his husband and 2 doggos, fills up all his time.

About John
John Palisano is a Bram Stoker Award© winning author who served as the Horror Writers Association president. John has four novels of his own plus a few collections and numerous short stories. In addition to Try Not to Die: In the Pandemic, he also coauthored Try Not to Die: In the Wild West and has a short story called Try Not to Die: In a Hell Hole both scheduled for 2023 release.

About Duncan
Duncan Ralston is the Amazon bestselling author of the cult smash-hit WOOM, as well as the horror collections Gristle & Bone, Video Nasties, In Every Dark Corner and Skin Flicks, the novellas Wildfire and Ebenezer, and the novels Salvage, The Method, the Ghostland Trilogy, The Midwives and Gross Out.
For 7 FREE dark fiction short stories/novellas including the prequel to GHOSTLAND, “The Moving House,” signed copies of Woom, bookplates and merch, please visit his website.

About Glenn
Glenn Hedden is an author from Iowa and a lifelong metalhead.

About P.W. Feutz
P.W. Feutz is an author of horror and supernatural fiction. His first novella, The Sun Is A Circle Meant For Serving came out in 2023. He lives in Michigan with his wife and two rabbits, Sherl and Watson. His Try Not to Die: At Meadow Spire Mall releases in 2024 Please visit his website.

About Jon
Jon Cohn is the author of multiple books, with the latest, “Everything Is Temporary” now available on Amazon, Kindle Unlimited, and coming soon to Audible! Jon’s debut novel, “The Island Mother”, won a big award - Publisher’s Weekly’s Booklife Prize for Best Indie Horror Novel of 2022.
Jon is also a professional board game designer based out of San Diego, California.

About Evan
Evan works in a very scary place: a middle school! (He’s a teacher.) He writes all genres, but horror is where he’s most comfortable.- Visit Evan on Amazon

About P.W. Feutz
P.W. Feutz is an author of horror and supernatural fiction. His first novella, The Sun Is A Circle Meant For Serving came out in 2023 along with Try Not to Die: Back at Grandma’s House. He lives in Michigan with his wife and two rabbits, Sherl and Watson. Please visit his website.

About Andrew
Andrew Najberg is the author of the best-selling (#1 US Horror Amazon) novels The Mobius Door (Wicked House Publishing, 2023) and Gollitok (Wicked House Publishing, 2023), as well as The Neverborn Thief (Olive-Ridley Press, 2024), the forthcoming collection of short fiction In Those Fading Stars (Crystal Lake Publishing, 2024) and the forthcoming novel Extinction Dream (Wicked House Publishing, 2025). His short fiction has appeared in Fusion Fragment, Khoreo, Translunar Travelers Lounge, Utopia Science Fiction, Prose Online, Psychopomp Review, Solar Press Horror Anthology, and more.
He is married to the incredible Amber Najberg, an inspiring woman who leaves his life full of laughter. They live with their children outside Chattanooga, TN. On the side, Andrew periodically pursues art (pastels and pen and ink mostly) and enjoys playing the drums badly.
Visit his website

About Robert
Robert Essig is the author of 22 books including Baby Fights, This Damned House, Broth House, and Master of Bodies. He has published over 100 short stories and edited three anthologies. His anthology Chew On This! was nominated for a Splatterpunk Award. Robert lives with his family in East Tennessee.
Visit his website.

About Daemon
Daemon Manx is an author with a backstory. He is a recovering addict who spent nearly a decade in the prison system where he focused on recovery and learned to perfect his horror writing craft. He has been featured in magazines in the U.S., the U.K, and Germany. In 2021 he received a HAG award for his story The Dead Girl and was nominated for a Splatterpunk award that same year. He was a bonus round winner on the gameshow Wheel of Fortune in 1999 and is infamously known for a motor vehicle accident involving President Ronald Reagan’s limousine. After struggling with addiction and incarceration, Daemon now uses his story to illustrate the positive outcome of sobriety and offer a glimpse at what life can be like when one receives a second chance.
Visit his website.

About Mark
Mark Towse is an English horror writer living in Australia. He would sell his soul to the devil or anyone buying if it meant he could write full-time. Alas, he left it very late to begin this journey, penning his first story since primary school at the ripe old age of forty-five. Since then, he’s been published in over two hundred journals and anthologies, had his work made into full theatrical audio productions, and has penned fifteen novellas, including Nana, Gone to the Dogs, Mischief Night, 3:33, and Crows. Chasing The Dragon, his debut novel from Eerie River Publishing, was released in March 2024.
Visit his website.

About Angel
Angel Van Atta writes horror to spread the same kind of hope that she so needed as a little girl and outside of the world of fiction only really ever found as an adult. The kind of hope that tells you that good often overcomes evil and that anything is possible if you just believe. Her stories are vivid and chilling as well as heartwarming and fast paced. She invites you to walk with her in her imagination. A place that can be just as dark as it is light.
Follow her website.

Coming 2025

About Nicolás
Nicolás JH Álvarez is an author, proofreader and translator living in Germany. Visit his website.

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